Refining Services

(Raw Gold Processing)


Dear sir or madam

Thank you for your interest in our services.
Here you find our company’s general information for suppliers, sellers, seller representatives, mandates, agents and brokers.
Yes, our company processes (smelt, test, pay), buys & sells gold in all forms (dust, sponge, nuggets, bars) and in all purities from all over the world.
We have been in business for 16 years with our office at same central location on Hong Kong island for over 15 years.
Our office is open Mon-Fri 10am-6pm (except public holidays) plus by appointment. If not in workshop, refinery, bank or other meetings management level staff is attending at least Mon-Fri 1pm-6pm.


Suppliers/sellers/representatives/couriers come/lift/ship to our office in Hong Kong, to Hong Kong International Airport or deposit into our Loomis, Brinks or Malca-Amit accounts at any of their office locations worldwide.
If needed, we offer airport pickup and help organize hotel, catering and entertainment here in Hong Kong.
We also provide support with visa application for Hong Kong by issuing an invitation letter.


Our procedure is straight:



The smaller the volume, the quicker we can process your material.

For high volume execution time depends on value logistics transport and refining capacity.


General guideline for procedure time:

Very Small Volume (1-4kg): 1-2 hours

Small volume (4-10 kg): takes accordingly longer

Medium/Regular volume (10-25kg): one morning or one afternoon.

High volume (25-50kg): same business day depending on time of arrival.

Industrial volume (>50kg-500kg): 2-10 business days


We usually pay by international bank wire transfer in preferred currency (any of the top 10 currencies).

Part payment in cash is also no problem.

Full payment in cash will require additional time and incur exchange costs.

Suppliers/sellers/representatives/couriers who come to town usually wait until paid in full or until they receive full payment confirmation from their company or from their bank.


Our procedure is very transparent and we provide full paperwork.

This means proper receipt and invoice / purchase confirmation including purity table.


But please also be informed of the sad fact that we receive countless emails and calls from potential sellers every day, every week, every month.
Unfortunately 99% of these are conducted by scammers and broker jokers who waste our time and still need to find a way to lead an honest life. We can not possibly attend and remember all these contacts if they never arrive in person.


We are not interested to travel to your country and inspect material which might or might never arrive in Hong Kong due to circumstances under seller's side control. We have been to 90 countries including the bottom group of rather intransparent economies and know the local business environment well.

We do not trust botched documents, dubious certificates, safe keeping receipts or tiny sample test results. The only thing that matters is that the material tests real when we smelt, stir and test it here in Hong Kong.  Feel free to witness the process of sample smelting and stay in control at all times.

Over the years we have revised several thousand SPAs, and so-called “FCOs” or “SCOs” and are aware of most if not all red flags.


We do not entertain to any requests for upfront payments for taxes, shipping, storage, insurance, tickets, LC, BG, PB ... or alike. Sellers who get themselves organized and visit us frequently never ask for these and warn of such upfront scams.


If your gold tests real your costs are refunded with our very competitive purchase price (calculation based on spot market price minus processing costs).

If you made the deal, got yourself organized and successfully supplied real gold then you deserve the majority of the profit.

We are not interested in fantasy pricing. We are happy with our humble processing fees.


If you are a genuine seller or represent a genuine seller, please be invited to do your due diligence on our company and our HR and to visit our office or call us for further details under +852 2511 1130.